Heldur Karmo
(Gene MacLellan)
C Em Dm
On praegu kohev lumevaip veel maas
G G7 C
ning muru ootab, millal võiks ta haljaks minna taas.
Em Dm
Seal laulukangast lumelõoke koob
G G7 C
ja räägib mulle lilledest, mis kevad kaasa toob.
Em Dm
Kui olin noor, ei tundnud muret meel,
G G7 C
kuna uskusin, et õnne leian tuhatkordselt veel.
Em Dm
Nüüd veidi selles kahtlen juba ma,
G G7 C
sest on soove lausa püüdmatuid, ei kätte neid me saa.
R. Lendad, lumelõoke, ära siit
ja selleks aastaks endaga kõik valged hanged viid.
Ma ju tean, et pole miski jääv –
võibolla lendan sinuga ma koos, kui käes see päev.
C Em Dm
Ma ootan, millal läheb soojaks tuul,
G G7 C
sest et teele iga süda ihkab minna kevadkuul.
C Em Dm
Nii ütle, väike lumelõoke, millal teed
G G7 C
viivad sinna sind, kus pole külm ja kus on vaiksed veed?
REFR.: Lendad, lumelõoke, ära siit
ja selleks aastaks endaga kõik valged hanged viid.
Ma ju tean, et pole miski jääv –
võibolla lendan sinuga ma koos, kui käes see päev,
G F Dm C
jaa, siis ma lendan sinuga ehk koos, kui käes see päev.
HK 1972
LP: Anne Murray "Snowbird" (1970)
Esitaja: Heidy Tamme
C Em Dm
Beneath it's snowy mantle cold and clean,
G G7 C
The unborn grass lies waiting for its coat to turn to green.
C Em Dm
The snowbird sings the song he always sings,
G G7 C
And speaks to me of flowers that will bloom again in spring.
C Em Dm
When I was young my heart was young then, too.
G G7 C
And anything that it would tell me, that's the thing that I would do.
C Em Dm
But now I feel such emptiness within,
G G7 C
For the thing that I want most in life's the thing that I can't win.
C Em Dm
Spread your tiny wings and fly away,
G G7 C
And take the snow back with you where it came from on that day.
C Em Dm
The one I love forever is untrue,
G G7 C
And if I could you know that I would fly away with you.
C Em Dm
The breeze along the river seems to say,
G G7 C
That he'll only break my heart again should I decide to stay.
C Em Dm
So, little snowbird, take me with you when you go
G G7 C
To that land of gentle breezes where the peaceful waters flow.
C Em Dm
Spread your tiny wings and fly away,
G G7 C
And take the snow back with you where it came from on that day.
C Em Dm
The one I love forever is untrue,
G G7 C
And if I could you know that I would fly away with you.
G F Dm C
Yeah, if I could I know that I would fly away with you.
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