Eelmine: KONN astus usinasti mööda teed (A)
Laulik: A, E hakka pähe
Järgmine: ELASIN ärklitoas (Am) (MUSTAMÄE VALSS)
Laulmiseks parem vt (E)
Heldur Karmo
Spanish Eyes
(Bert Kaempfert ‑ Charles Singleton ‑ Eddie Snyder)
A E7
Kui nägin sind, võlusid siis su silmad kohe mind –
E7 A
neis üheskoos särasid päev ja öö kui muinasloos.
A A7 D
Kaks silma vaid, ometi need mind vangiks muuta said.
Dm A E7 A
Viiv, ainult viiv, kuid igatsus mulle hinge jäi just siis.
A E7
Nüüd mõistad sa – sinuta olla eal ei suudaks ma.
E7 A
Tean, kõikjal tean: tulema ikka sinu juurde pean.
A A7 D
On ime see, mida üks neiu pilk kõik ära teeb –
Dm A E7 A
rõõm maa pealt kaoks, kui poleks su kauneid silmi minu jaoks.
E7 A
kui poleks su kauneid silmi minu jaoks
HK 1968
Esitaja: Al Martino, Elvis Presley, Andy Williams
LP: Engelbert Humperdinck "A Man Without Love" (1968)
Trükis: LK 11/1968
A E7
Blue Spanish Eyes, teardrops are falling from your Spanish Eyes,
E7 A
Please, please don't cry, this is just adios and not goodbye,
A A7 D
Soon I'll return, bringing you all the love your heart can hold,
Dm A E7 A
Please, say si, si, say you and your Spanish Eyes will wait for me.
[Verse 2]
A E7
Blue Spanish Eyes, prettiest eyes in all of Mexico,
True Spanish Eyes, please smile for me once more before I go,
A7 D
Soon I will return, bringing you all the love your heart can hold,
Dm A E7 A
Please, say si, si, say you and your Spanish Eyes will wait for me.
E7 A
Say you and your Spanish Eyes will wait for me.
A E7
Blue Spanish Eyes, teardrops are falling from your Spanish Eyes,
E7 A
Please, please don't cry, this is just adios and not goodbye,
A A7 D
Soon I'll return, bringing you all the love your heart can hold,
Dm A E7 A
Please, say si, si, say you and your Spanish Eyes will wait for me.
[Verse 2]
A E7
Blue Spanish Eyes, prettiest eyes in all of Mexico,
True Spanish Eyes, please smile for me once more before I go,
A7 D
Soon I will return, bringing you all the love your heart can hold,
Dm A E7 A
Please, say si, si, say you and your Spanish Eyes will wait for me.
E7 A
Say you and your Spanish Eyes will wait for me.
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